Erin: Back to work!

You know what that means…

The return of lunches packed at the wee hours and photographed with an extremely offensive flash!



I got up with Brody around 5:00. Henry and Annie were happy to stay sleeps with Robbie!

After playing, getting ready, blah blah blah, I made some breakfast:


Eggs and broc plus red onion and tofutti mixed in for some creamy, topped with sf ketchup.

I worked all day! Which included shutting the door to my office and stretching for 45 minutes. I’ve worked out pretty hard these past few days and sitting in my chair makes my hips and knees sore.

God that makes me sound old!

But not too old to squeeze in a badass workout  🙂 The gym was grossly bizzy. Everyone has returned from break with some sort of communicable disease. It’s pretty nast to listen to people working mucus down the back of their throats while lifting! Why do people do that in public?! Are they not aware of others’ perceptions of them 100% of the time, fearful of negative evaluations and thus plotting their every move such that they appear their best?

I had to decided to stop at Target for some randoms and I found Smucker’s Natural PB on sale for $2.18 or something cray! So when I got home I had a couple heaping spoonfuls. I barely stirred it because the oily top is my FAVE 🙂


After taking Brody for a 30 min walk and putzing around the house, I made a dinner reminiscent of my yoot 🙂


This is just veggie crumbles with homemade taco seasoning, bell pep, and onion, topped with mozz and KETCHUP!

When I was a little girl I used to put ketchup on my Mexican food and I still love. Esp because I think Mexican food (made in America) is totes lame!

I haven’t made dessert yet but I’m pretty sure I’ll eat a pkg of this!


And maybe some cinnamon gummi bears from last semester that I found in my backpack.

Okay enough of the food. It’s boring and I’m not into it because I’ve been obsessing over our little pudding pop.

Tonight I tackled a project I’m really serious about: teaching Brody to enjoy his carrier. He has a crate to sleep in at night, but if he’s gonna be my pocket puppy and come to work with me on occasion, he needs to learn to love this masculine bowler bag.


Oh yes I did girl.

Your tackiness is my fabulosity.

So. Because I’ve been steeped in the principles of psychology (more specifically, operant conditioning) for like a decade, I felt prepared to work with him. Using a sweet potato chew, I lured him towards the carrier and dropped it in the back of the bag. He went in a couple times to retrieve it, but each time I made him drop the chew. I put it in the bag again, until finally he gave up and sat in there to chew it.


Yay Brody!

I let him chew for about 20 minutes with the bag closed up, then gradually unzipped the top and made sure he was still interested in his chew and not trying to weasel his way out. It worked!


Yay Brody again!

So, we’ll be practicing this exercise on the daily to create positive associations in the bag.

A few minutes ago, Brody brought a stuffed carrot squeaky toy onto the couch and is now using it as a pillow. Can you believe.


Just because we’re obsessing over the pint doesn’t mean we’ve forgotten about the man of the house.


My Henry! Wow, he’s sexy. Admit it. Look at those eyes. Turns me on kinda.

He would really throw down with the ladies if he had anything to give!

P.S. YO’S! Did you notice we now have a cute little button in the sidebar where you can subscribe to our posts by email? So 2010!

36 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Chelsea on January 12, 2010 at 8:27 pm

    Man, if I was into that kinda thing, pictures of your cat would be my porn. Jaykay… yeah.


  2. Posted by elise on January 12, 2010 at 8:32 pm

    you ooze fabulousity. i loves.


  3. Posted by Daria on January 12, 2010 at 8:35 pm

    “Are they not aware of others’ perceptions of them 100% of the time, fearful of negative evaluations and thus plotting their every move such that they appear their best?”

    This made me lol and then sigh. At least us hyper-self-aware people are courteous. 😉

    Also I can’t get over how cute Brody is! Henry’s pretty great too.


  4. Posted by heather on January 12, 2010 at 8:46 pm

    Haaayyy Gurlll! First, Brody is s’cute! What a tiny handsome pup! Second, are the sweet potato treats wrapped in chicken? If so I know exactly what they are, and aren’t they great! The dogs I walk go ga ga over them- like they are drugs! Third, good training! Positive assoiation is da bomb. Brody’s lucky he has such a smart momma!


  5. Posted by heather on January 12, 2010 at 8:50 pm

    Er I re-read your post and noticed it was a chew not a treat. Mah bad! Have you ever read something and then got excited and didnt really read the rest? Thats what I did. Whoops!


  6. oh my gosh ADORABLEEEEE doggie in your purse! so paris hilton..not.. you are way cooler than her
    good luck going back to work!


  7. Posted by Stef @ moretolifethanlettuce on January 12, 2010 at 9:13 pm

    he is so teeny tiny! i used to be so anti-doggy carrier, but i’ve been contemplating getting one. actually my (male) therapist told me he has several purse-like dog carriers (he claims they belong to his wife, sure) that they don’t use anymore so he’ll give it to me. hahahhaha.


  8. LOVE THE BAG! I want to steal Brody!


  9. i think i love the fact that u have “andrea’s twat” above twitter. so freaking classy. i am loving it all. the new “subscribe link’ and that bag, the eats and ur cats! gimmmmmeeee!!!


    baby lolo


  10. Posted by ajoyinclass on January 12, 2010 at 10:26 pm

    No. Way.
    Only you could ROCK this. Only you.
    Your fabulosity srsly astonishes me girlfriend.

    Brody is so adorable…quite a lady killer. Or should I say bitch killer? Am I allowed to say the b-word on blog comments?

    Congrats on the pup!!! Cannot wait to see him grow into a fine young man via your blog 🙂 xoxo


    (*”this” being the Juicy doggie purse.)


  11. You need to come to Canada and teach Captain to love his tent/house shaped line a giant plush strawberry. Pls!!


  12. ahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    p.s. atkins reprezent! i got two in my purse for emergenceeeeeeeeeez


  13. Thanks for the puppy training tips. We’re thinking about adopting a boston terrier so I’m looking for all the advice I can get.
    Good luck at work 🙂


  14. Such a cute bag for Brodie!! Love it!

    I love your breakfast too, looks so good!


  15. HA I love Brody’s new purse!


  16. Love that you did a mid day stretch- I totallllly need to do that today! My teaching schedule has been pretty heavy and I ended up having to teach Pump again this morning and it was supposed to be my day off! Yikes! I’m starting to feel a little grandma ish too….whatever- we’re cute grandmas!

    How yummy does that dinner look. Totally recreating something similar.

    ❤ Brody!


  17. OMG i love that Brody can basically fit in Rob’s hand 🙂 I’ll assume that the hairy arm and large watch indicate Rob….what a freakin beautiful family, love u!!


  18. thanks for always making me laugh with your posts. hilar!! 🙂


  19. As a child I loved spaghetti topped with cheddar cheese and ketchup! So gross, but oh so good!!


  20. tudo muito giro se assim posso dizer. parabéns.


  21. haha brody is too cute! So is Henry!


  22. Brody is adorable and will look fabulous in his new bag! I love Henry’s expression in that pic too. 🙂


  23. Brody is the tiniest, cutest pup ever. Please keep posing pics! But I seriously love your cats, too. They look bigger than the dog!


  24. I’m highly offended by the flash 🙂

    I put ketchup on my Mexican food too!!! Especially tamales. Yum yum.


  25. Awww, Brody melts even my heart of ice and coal… 😀


  26. I can’t. That bag!


  27. Oh Henry! LOL! You are sexy! Kitties diggin Brody?


  28. I love that bag. amazing!


  29. Girl, I freaking LOVE ya. Dirty Sexay Shizzle you are. ;-)~


  30. That bag! So fab 🙂

    I could maybe carry one of my 85 lb. dog’s paws in a bag 🙂


  31. Posted by janie on January 13, 2010 at 7:19 pm

    ohnoyoudidnt just put your dog into a purse… aahh. i love your blog so i will “forgive” 😉 you for that.

    i’m just wondering, because you’re in grad school and so am i…what are the eating habits of your fellow students like? i imagine most-none as healthy as you. do you ever get comments when others see you eat so healthily?


  32. Those crazy cats, always sleeping in. It’s like mine resents me for making a move during the day, so I try to appease her by being lazy sometimes 😉

    hahaha! You had me laughing outloud at your gym commentary…I know, right? Don’t people feel as if they are being judged? What up with that!

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE your operant conditioning style yo. That’s hardcore, gotta love utilizing the psych!

    Henry is so giving me the sex-eye right now. And I like it. I might show it to Kiki and she how she feels.


  33. Ingenious getting Brody to like his Puppy Purse. You aint gettin no phd for nuttin.

    Yes, Henry isn’t just sexy- he’s DEAD sexy. I have a lovely little lioness he might like to meet by the name of Samantha (love it when ppl name their pets people names…so sweet!) purrr meow.


  34. Genius work on Brody! I expect an Elle Woods photo coming soon from you! 😉

    I totally used to put ketchup on my tacos when I was little. To me, anything meat-like goes with ketchup 😉


  35. omg you got a puppy!!!!! LOVE 🙂


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